Checklist Output

Team Player Card Set Card Number Print Run
New York JetsGeno SmithBase20Not #d
New York JetsGeno SmithBlack Printing Plate201
New York JetsGeno SmithConnections Dual Jerseys799
New York JetsGeno SmithCommon0Not #d
New York JetsGeno SmithCyan Printing Plate201
New York JetsGeno SmithDual Rookie League Leaders Jerseys225
New York JetsGeno SmithExtra Points Black2010
New York JetsGeno SmithExtra Points Holo Silver2025
New York JetsGeno SmithExtra Points Purple20100
New York JetsGeno SmithMagenta Printing Plate201
New York JetsGeno SmithNFL Jerseys4Not #d
New York JetsGeno SmithNFL Shield22Not #d
New York JetsGeno SmithRookie League Leader Jerseys125
New York JetsGeno SmithTop of the Class6Not #d
New York JetsGeno SmithYellow Printing Plate201